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Thoughtful Gifts For A Baby Shower

Muslim Baby Milestone Acrylic Plaques - White & Gold

Welcoming a new baby into the world is a moment of pure joy and excitement. As friends and family gather to celebrate this special occasion, finding the perfect gift for the parents-to-be becomes a heartfelt mission.

Whether you’re attending a baby shower for the first time or seeking unique ideas to make your present stand out, this gift guide is here to inspire you with thoughtful and practical gifts that will make the new parents smile with delight.


Personalised Baby Shower Keepsakes


Baby Milestone Plaques


Nothing touches the heart more than a personalised baby shower keepsake that captures the essence of the baby’s arrival. Consider a custom-made baby blanket or onesie adorned with the little one’s name or birthdate. Personalised baby books, picture frames, and engraved jewellery for mum will also be kept as cherished mementoes that will be treasured for years to come.

If you like the idea of a keepsake but don’t want it to be too personalised, our Baby Milestone Plaques may be the perfect option for you. They are something to remind the parents to capture their child’s biggest moments, including their first steps and words. The best part about not personalising these is the fact that they can be kept and passed down through the family without seeming to be a hand-me-down gift.


Baby Essentials


Baby Blanket


Practically meets adorable with a gift basket filled with on-the-go essentials. Stock it up with nappies of various sizes, baby wipes, Sudocrem, and a stylish bag to keep everything in. Try to think of all the things new parents may forget they will need when they are on the go with a baby.

This gift is not only extremely thoughtful but also incredibly helpful for the busy days ahead for the new parents.


Baby’s First Book


Baby Shower Gift Soundbook


Books are a must-have for every child and although a newborn won’t get immediate satisfaction from a book, it gives the parents a way to bond with their baby and can be kept until they are at the stage of learning to read. There is also a huge sentimental factor if you leave a note for the baby on the first page, which they will no doubt cherish as they grow up.

Our Animals in The Quran Soundbook is the perfect first book to give as it will engage them with wonderful new sounds at a young age, whilst teaching them about reading, animals, and a little bit of religion too.


Nursery Must-Haves


Baby Shower Nursery Gift Ideas


Help the parents prepare a cosy and welcoming nursery with essential items. Consider gifting a comfortable cot mattress, a soft and snug swaddle blanket, a soothing white noise machine, or a charming mobile to hang over the cot.

These items will create a serene and safe environment for the baby to sleep soundly, hopefully allowing the parents to get to rest too!


Sweets & Chocolates


Luxury Chocolate Dates Tin (12pk)


Whether you’re on a budget, have been invited to a last-minute baby shower, or simply don’t know what to get, you really can’t go wrong with treating the parents-to-be to their favourite chocolates or sweet treats. If you have time, buy some favour or treat bags to bag up a selection of their favourite treats and add a tag with a heartfelt note.

Don’t worry if you don’t have time to do this, we have plenty of sweets and chocolates for you to gift such as our Halal Sweet Lanterns and Chocolate Dates.


Choosing a thoughtful baby shower gift is an opportunity to express your love and excitement for the new addition to the family. Whether it’s a personalised keepsake or something practical, your gift will undoubtedly bring joy and appreciation to the parents-to-be.

Remember, the best baby shower gifts are those that come from the heart and reflect the care and affection you have for the growing family. So with this gift guide in hand, let your present be a symbol of your warm wishes and love as the family embarks on this beautiful journey of parenthood.